This idea was given by other people who asked if I’d be interested in hosting “guest articles” on subjects that us, fellow cruisers, could certainly learn from and perhaps adopt ideas even if we modify whatever it is to suit our lives. Why not? Simply living the lifestyles that many of us do means we’re very open to new ideas and views 🙂
Fantastic to still be in contact with Larry ( as have such fond memories of casting “Julia’s” lines off in Gran Canaria then meeting up again in Tobago Keys. He will be posting soon as will others.
So the format to do this is thus: send an email with your article content to
Once it’s approved you’re up! Naturally articles must cover like minded subject matter (sailing, food, fitness, cruising lifestyle; maintenance and tips) and be appropriate.. Seeing as I will be promoting what you’re about I’d be honoured if you’d do the same for me on links.
Look forward to hearing from you!
3 Replies to "A little about what to expect here"
Jane June 14, 2015 (10:40 pm)
Terrific photo!
Larry Jacobson June 15, 2015 (11:07 pm)
Great new site! I shall indeed send for posting words of wisdom that were hard-earned during our six-year circumnavigation. If I can help others enjoy their lives more, then I’m in!
Well done Samantha!
admin June 16, 2015 (4:45 am)
Many thanks Larry, looking forward to it!