Yes i know I’m in Greece but for those of you in Malta and looking for activity, look no further!
As a self professed gym geek I can honestly say I’ve never trained anywhere as good, with such amazing trainers and members as this place. Seriously have a go, you won’t be disappointed:
Personal training is affordable and damned good, hey Maja taught me how to do a Turkish get up in one session..remarkable if you’d seen my previous attempts!
So the love of kettlebells began, instructor course then followed in Malta through (thank you Shane). You’ll see on the site that there’s far more courses offered!
Excited to try this, I know the people who run it and am sure they’ll look after you very well!  https://supyogamalta  Please say hi from me when you join them 🙂
Geo caching, truly a world wide hide and seek treasure hunt. No matter where you are just type in  Add your location and you’re good to go, there’s tons of places in Malta too!
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