This is really good with cold meats and cheese, spooned on a hot sausage roll or to accompany a lovely roast dinner. See here in beautiful Sicily we can’t get redcurrant jelly and suchlike so making something similar is the only option. It’s really, really easy! Quantities below will give you about 200 ml of finished jelly.
They don’t seem to have jam sugar either, if like me you’re in Italian waters this is what you need
A small rant about cooking wine, if it tastes horrible in the bottle it’s not going to do anything for your food! I used Chianti, beautiful full bodied wine.
Into a saucepan pour 400ml of good quality red wine. 225 grams of white sugar and 20 grams of the “Fruttapec”. Add a star anise, 2 cloves and a cinnamon stick as well as a pinch of mixed spice.
Heat gently stirring until the sugar is dissolved then bring to the boil and just let it bubble away for about 20 minutes or until the liquid has reduced by half. Cool slightly then put in a jam jar and into the fridge. It takes a couple of hours to set. I left the spices in as it looks pretty.
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