


First of all a confession, I’ve not been preparing food in this way for very long. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a passion for good food since spending idyllic weekends as a child rubbing quiche/pie ingredients together, stirring casseroles and joy of joys cracking eggs into a bowl. Ah the simplicity! Likewise I don’t have any culinary qualifications, I’ve raised a family sneakily hiding veg into the children’s favourite foods and crewed as “chef” on some longish sea passages and learnt tons on how to keep 4 other crew members well fed and full on journeys of up to 16 days.  I just love good food and sharing it with others.  So this is very exciting, experimenting with new flavours and finding substitutes for what I was used to is an amazing adventure!


The fitness section? As much of a passion as food, I truly love being active and strong – it’s empowering! Aerobics, step and pump in the 90’s but of course those qualifications will be long gone as I never renewed.. Some workshops for FitBall, “suspension training”, water aerobics and others –  all good fun. Recently qualified as a Kettlebell instructor through and likewise through the same school have begun my journey into the world of Pilates, hope to have completed the documented hours and other parts necessary for my certification later in the year.


My partner and I live aboard our catamaran along with our Jack Russell currently cruising the med.  Under the sailing section tips will be posted on various bits, not the technical sailing at all I promise (and I will never mention that a Manson anchor is the best..oops did I say that?) seriously though it’ll be little things that we have found make life easier, chlorine tablets in the salt water filters? You’d be amazed at the difference it makes 🙂


So that’s it, delicious food that’s easy to prepare (mindful of lack of space, equipment and using too much of precious gas supply) and exercise programmes that are accommodating to boat (cockpit/deck) space! On the blog section please feel free to comment and share whatever snippets you’d like to.


Take care,




p.s. Food, tweak as much as you like. We all have different tastes!

If you have any food allergies please speak with your nutritionist.

Exercise, don’t launch into a strenuous routine. Listen to your body, adjust accordingly/ask your doctor!


Yachties in the Med, keep turning left and I’m sure we’ll cross anchors at some point….