Cardio in a tiny boat space? Of course you can!
Very quick, brief post (like most of my dedicated cardio sessions) from the incredible Tee Major Fitness
Add to your routine, hey if you live on a boat you've not got a shortage of lines! Look up "Tee Major Fitness" for the best bodyweight exercise routines. Enjoy then take a relaxing swim :-)
Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down
Motoring towards Riposto, a bit bored so time for a challenge :-)
Bring Sally Up....
I love this clip take the challenge for whatever exercise you feel like doing.
Easy concept, follow the music :-). On "bring Sally up" you're in the highest position of the exercise and on "bring Sally down" the lowest. Some lyric prompts are fast, some slow and enjoy the burn waiting for the next prompt...
Obvious choices full military push up, squat, ...
Kettlebell Training 2
Every minute on the minute. First exercise, complete reps and rest remainder of the time. Set the timer on your phone, watch or gym style timer. All Double bells, 5 rounds.
6 Suitcase dead lift, thrust back, push up on kettlebell
6 alternate lunge, 6 press.
6 row, 6 goblet squat
As many reps as possible in 5 mins.
8 Two handed swings
8 alternating snatch
8 halo
Suspension Training 2
3 rounds of:
16 squat
16 sprinter
16 alternating lateral lunge
20 mountain climber
16 alternating row
16 chest press
16 bicep curl
16 Tricep dip
16 alternating single arm row
Core (feet in straps right..)
16 Spider-Man plank
16 Superman plank
12 Pendulum swing with oblique crunch
Mix exercises up however you see fit!
Suspension Training 1
By far the easiest piece of equipment to have on a boat, I know tons of you who've got them. Good aren't they?!
3 rounds of:
10 squat and fly
10 sumo squat
10 bicep curl
10 Tricep extension
10 Pistol squat (5 left then 5 right)
10 overhead chest press
10 windmill (5 left then 5 right, interlock straps to create just 1)
10 pike with push up
10 oblique crunch
Fender ball 1
If you haven't got an inflatable gym ball use the big ball fender.
20 Squat, nice and deep. When squatting down raise the ball above your head
16. Lunge on a step, 8 static left / 8 static right. Hold fender in front of you with straight arms rotate to bent leg
20. Crunch on the ball.
20. Bridge, resting on the ball lower bum for 10, hold then raise one leg then other lowering bum for 5 each side.
20. Bicycle, rotate from waist and make the ...
Circuit Training 4
Circuits: breathe!!!! Inhale to prepare, exhale on exertion. Eg. squat, breathe in as you sink into squat and out as you propel yourself back to standing. Ok???
Reps. Exercise.
16. Sumo (wide leg) squat (you're sitting down straight not bending over!)
1 min. light skipping (with or without rope)
16. Lunge, alternate left right (keep that back straight!)
2 min. Power walk on the spot
12. Push ups (wide arms)
16. Squat with alternate front kick.
1 min. ...
Kettlebell Training 1
First of all I'm assuming if you've got a kettlebell you know how to exercise safely with it. If you just like the idea of training with this insanely fantastic piece of kit please, please go and get some instruction by a qualified instructor first! The Boss doesn't really like me swinging them on our fibreglass boat (fair point) so again for safety pop it in your dinghy, kayak or similar and go work out on the beach.
3 rounds of:
20 Two handed swing
20 Slingshot
20 High ...
Circuit Training 3
A total of 30 reps of each exercise, break down as required but aim to complete 3 circuits.
Wide arm push up
Mountain climbers
Jumping jack
Diamond push up
Oblique crunch
Circuit Training 2
3 rounds of:
20 Mountain climbers
10 Push up with row
20 Squat, slowly nice and deep
12 Narrow arm "Tricep" push up
20 alternating jumping lunge
20 Spider-Man plank
20 Superman plank
15 Burpees
Static plank,